Monday, May 14, 2012

Depression - Chapter 1 - AgeOfAlejandro - The Avengers (2012), The Avengers - All Fandoms [Archive of Our Own]

They'll find out how how weak he really is someday and he can't bear the thought. He doesn't want to disappoint everyone who has, so foolishly, placed their faith in him. And he's so very tired of pretending to be strong. Notes: Depression is slightly different in that I can't tell all of the story from Tony's perspective, not if I want to get the whole thing across (because people who visit the bottom of the well regularly don't always realize exactly how bad/weird it is from the outside because they get wrapped up in their own heads in ways that are hard to explain unless you've been there). There will be glimpses from Steve's eyes, possibly among others. Also please please please heed the warnings! There's self-loathing here to the nth degree, a suicide attempt (later), and a bunch of other nasty emotional things. Also, you may want to read the previous two parts to this. You can probably get by all right without them, but there are and will be lots of references to shit that happened before. So yeah.

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