Title: It Will Come Back to You Rating: PG-13 Summary: Teen Wolf kink meme prompt: After breaking up with his boyfriend, Stiles finds a wounded dog in the woods. Something about it reminds him of his ex, so he names it Derek. He doesn't know exactly how fitting that name is. (or, how Stiles finds out that the ex-boyfriend that he's still in love with is a werewolf) (Original is here.) Pairing: Derek/Stiles Warnings: None. Disclaimer: I'm sure that Derek would never get caught in a pink collar. A/N: All I can think of is Professor Layton and the Malignant Tumor. "My man don't own me, I own my MAN!" A/N 2: heard_the_owl did an amazing podfic which can be found here! (Seriously, go listen to it and praise her awesomeness.)
Title: It Will Come Back to You Rating: PG-13 Summary: Teen Wolf kink meme prompt: After breaking up with his boyfriend, Stiles finds a wounded dog in the woods. Something about it reminds him of his ex, so he names it Derek. He doesn't know exactly how fitting that name is. (or, how Stiles finds out that the ex-boyfriend that he's still in love with is a werewolf) (Original is here.) Pairing: Derek/Stiles Warnings: None. Disclaimer: I'm sure that Derek would never get caught in a pink collar. A/N: All I can think of is Professor Layton and the Malignant Tumor. "My man don't own me, I own my MAN!" A/N 2: heard_the_owl did an amazing podfic which can be found here! (Seriously, go listen to it and praise her awesomeness.)
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