Title: Blood, Feathers, and Ashes (1/?) Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel, Aziraphale/Crowley Spoilers: let's just say general season 5, even though events in this story do deviate somewhat from the show Warnings: blood, self-whumpage (sort of) Word Count: 8,676 Summary: Their list of allies is growing thin, stretched almost to its limits. With the final battle between Michael and Lucifer looming over them, Sam and Dean are forced to fall back on their last resort plan - calling on magic so ancient and powerful that even Gabriel is uncomfortable with it. Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Supernatural or Good Omens universes. They belong to Eric Kripke/The CW Network and Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman, respectively. This story is not being written for profit and no offense is meant to anyone. Note: If you've read this story before, please note that this is not a direct re-posting of what was taken down a little while back. This is a revised/expanded version of BFA and definitely worth a re-read.
Title: Blood, Feathers, and Ashes (1/?) Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel, Aziraphale/Crowley Spoilers: let's just say general season 5, even though events in this story do deviate somewhat from the show Warnings: blood, self-whumpage (sort of) Word Count: 8,676 Summary: Their list of allies is growing thin, stretched almost to its limits. With the final battle between Michael and Lucifer looming over them, Sam and Dean are forced to fall back on their last resort plan - calling on magic so ancient and powerful that even Gabriel is uncomfortable with it. Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Supernatural or Good Omens universes. They belong to Eric Kripke/The CW Network and Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman, respectively. This story is not being written for profit and no offense is meant to anyone. Note: If you've read this story before, please note that this is not a direct re-posting of what was taken down a little while back. This is a revised/expanded version of BFA and definitely worth a re-read.
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