Title: A Different Corner Author: Lucy Hale Rating: NC-17 (though it takes a while to get there) Pairing: Shawn/Lassiter Summary: Lassiter works on a grisly case that only gets worse when Gus goes missing, and Shawn's Federal Agent ex shows up wanting the case, and Shawn, for himself. Notes: The idea for this story was provided by the lovely Yuki on Psych_Slash, so much credit to her. I don't know if this is what she had in mind, but I like it anyway. It's long, be warned, but it's complete. Which is a pretty big deal, for me. I haven't written in a while, so please do read and be generous with the feedback. There might already be a sequel in the works, and all encouragement is welcomed.
Title: A Different Corner Author: Lucy Hale Rating: NC-17 (though it takes a while to get there) Pairing: Shawn/Lassiter Summary: Lassiter works on a grisly case that only gets worse when Gus goes missing, and Shawn's Federal Agent ex shows up wanting the case, and Shawn, for himself. Notes: The idea for this story was provided by the lovely Yuki on Psych_Slash, so much credit to her. I don't know if this is what she had in mind, but I like it anyway. It's long, be warned, but it's complete. Which is a pretty big deal, for me. I haven't written in a while, so please do read and be generous with the feedback. There might already be a sequel in the works, and all encouragement is welcomed.
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