Friday, May 24, 2013


Hannibal/Will, Hannibal schemes to get Will pregnant (Anonymous) 2013-04-28 01:31 (local) (link) Warnings for mpreg and dubcon/reproductive coercion! I would reeeeeally like to see something where Hannibal decides (either for his own amusement/pleasure, or to improve his cover and throw Will off his game) to knock Will up, and sets about making sure this happens with his usual sly meticulousness. Up to anon whether this is an established relationship, or if they aren't sleeping together yet. I would just like to see Hannibal deliberately arranging things, via sabotaging the birth control or adjusting the timing of their "liaisons", to make sure Will gets pregnant, without his knowledge. It's also up to anon whether or not he succeeds, and how Will reacts, but I would really like it if Will does get pregnant and Hannibal gets to feign astonishment at the situation, while subtly twisting things just the way he wants them. I know there's a lovely girl!Will fill out there that fits these specifications, but I would really like to see it done with mpreg. Please?

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